Ep 50: Publishing Models: Unraveling the Paths to Bookshelf Success

These days, there's more than just one path to getting a book published. 

From traditional publishing to hybrid publishing to self-publishing, every aspiring author has an opportunity to have her voice heard and to make an impact on readers. 

For as many people who hail one approach, there are just as many who eschew it. 

To be sure, there are pros and cons to each. The key is knowing what those pros and cons are so you can make the best decision for your book project (and the decision may very well change from book to book!).

In this episode of the Write the Damn Book Already podcast, you'll gain a more thorough understanding of traditional, hybrid/vanity, and self-publishing.

And while I believe each model has its place, there's one I consistently advise authors to stay (far) away from. I've never heard of an experience with this publishing model ending well. 


Resources Mentioned

25 Days of Bold Moves (free challenge)

Episode with Neely Alexander, author of Love Buzz

Episode with Jamie Varon, author of Main Character Energy

Podcast Ep 35: I want to write a book, but where do I start?

Finn-Phyllis Press - hybrid publishing house


Ways We Can Work Together on Your Book! 

Book Outlines Made Simple (workshop)

Through this pay-what-you-can on--demand workshop, you'll discover the 5 components of all bestselling books, learn how to zero in on your core message, and get access to the outlining spreadsheet I've used to write six books (and help countless authors write theirs) so you can masterfully organize your thoughts, perspectives, and insights. 

Learn more >>


Write the Damn Book Already! (memoir/nonfiction writing program)

A program for writing powerful nonfiction or memoir that readers can't put down. it's time to share your message, tell your story, and make your impact. 

Learn more >>


The Book Writers Collective (monthly membership)

The Book Writers Collective provides twice monthly coaching/guidance calls and co-writing sessions. It’s a monthly membership that you can cancel anytime (or upgrade into Write the Damn Book Already to get access to the online book writing trainings).

Learn more >>


Publish A Profitable Book  (self-publishing program)

Publish A Profitable Book shows you step-by-step how to self-publish a book that's indistinguishable in quality from any New York Times bestseller (while retaining your rights, maximizing your profits, and shortening your time to market.

Learn more >>


From Manuscript to Market (book launching program)

From Manuscript to Market walks you step-by-step through my 12-day book launch strategy (including customizable social media and email templates) so you can sell more books and build a tribe of loyal, raving readers. 

Learn more >>



