Book Writing & Publishing

{The Blog}

[Book Publishing 101] Traditional vs Independent vs Self-Publishing

Perhaps you're at the beginning of your book writing journey, wondering how to get all 87,367 thoughts out of your head and onto the page. (If that's the case and you'd like to get a strong start, click here for my latest workshop, Book Outlines Made Simple!)

Or, maybe you're writing or even in the editing process and you're wondering, "What's next?"

Do you try to get a traditional publisher interested? Do you work with the hybrid-publishing arm of a traditional publisher or employ the services of another hybrid publishing house? Do you self-publish? What even are the differences between each approach?

If these are the questions that swirl in your head, this series has you covered. I promise.

In the first part of the Book Publishing 101 series, I'll talk about all 3 publishing approaches at a mile-high level just to help you get clear on what each actually is. From there, we'll explore the pros and cons of each approach in greater detail.

While I independently publish my...

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Is It a Sign?


What I'm about to say may come across as unkind, and I wish there were a better way to say it. Put bluntly, "waiting on a sign" is ridiculous.

And, to be clear, I've waited on "signs" myself. It was ridiculous. 

When we make those kinds of statements, we're squashing every ounce of our own power. We're making a powerful decision to keep playing small. We're ensuring that we remain stagnant.


Because when the sign DOES come (and it will … over and over again), all we'll do is ask, “Is that the sign?

"A notebook and pen were just dropped on the front porch by a bird... A NOTEBOOK AND PEN CARRYING BIRD!"

...But…is it a sign?"

We’re so resistant and fearful that we won’t recognize the sign even when it slaps us right between the eyes...

Because we don’t want to...

Because if we acknowledge the sign, we have to start...

If we start, we have to finish... 

If we...

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What a Good Book Editor REALLY Does


"What does a great book editor do...and how do I find one?"

Great questions! Truly understanding the role of an editor in the process is critical to most effectively partnering with this critical asset!

If you spend much time talking with me about publishing, you'll quickly learn that one of my mantras is "Not Editing is Not an Option." After all, if New York Times bestselling authors still require editors, who is any one of us to think that we don't!

We are each simply too close to our work to be objective about issues with flow and content, we see words that were in our head but didn't make it to the page, or we fail to identify the instance of "there" that should be "their."



There are three types of editing that I suggest authors of nonfiction or memoir receive: developmental editing, copy (or line) editing, and proofreading. While the same editor can typically do your developmental and copy/line editing...

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What to Expect When You're Writing a Book


There are a lot of things you can expect when you're writing a book: excitement, confusion, pride, frustration, and awe.

Something many don't expect? A show-stopper (and not the good kind).

It seriously never fails. And as much as I'm trying not to use words like "always" and "never," in this case, it's absolutely justified. 

Maybe you've figured out how to build a business from scratch. 

Or, you've gotten out of a toxic relationship.

Or, you've completely reversed the high blood pressure you've had for two decades.

Or, you discovered how to reduce, reuse, and recycle to the point that you no longer need a weekly trash service. 

Whatever it is, you're going to be elated that you worked through all of the challenges that came with it. You scraped and clawed and got knocked over and stood back up. And now you're ready to let others know how they can do the same. 

And then...

Your client attraction method stops working altogether. (Maybe a pandemic or something...

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