The Indie Author's Book Publishing Partner

Our no-strings-attached book publishing service keeps you in the driver's seat while removing unnecessary legwork, overwhelm, and costs.

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The Best of Both Worlds

All the benefits of self-publishing—without any of the headaches

What Makes Us Different?

  • We are not a vanity publisher, meaning that we don't publish every manuscript submitted to us. We want to ensure that our authors are as proud of the company they keep as we are! 
  • We don't handcuff our authors to us. We do the work you don't want to do, and let you go about running your author career as you see fit (but we're always here to answer questions and celebrate with you!). 
  • We will walk you through the oft-confusing and ever-changing publishing industry lingo, answering any questions you have along the way. We want you to understand how this all really works so you can have the best possible author experience!  
  • We don't retain a percentage of your earnings or have "minimum sales" requirements. We see ourselves as your professional self-publishing concierge (we've even been known to send coffee along the way when we know you'll need it most!). 
  • We load to your accounts on Amazon, Draft2Digital, and IngramSpark. Once you're published, you're in full control of your title! 
  • You can easily order author copies for events or publicity purposes from your own Amazon author account (with no upcharge).
  • You retain all rights.

Who Are We and Why Do We Do Things This Way?

Finn-Phyllis Press was founded by 6x author Elizabeth Lyons. 

I started the company in 2004, intending to publish only my books.

But after multiple people asked me to put the same effort and care into publishing their books as I put into My own, I thought, "Maybe this is an opportunity to provide the publishing model, industry explanations, and service levels I wish I'd had when I was first starting out!"

I love nothing more than words, stories, and taking the hassle out of publishing so others can enjoy a straightforward process for getting their books on the market and in the hands of readers.

For those who are interested in foregoing the done-for-you approach but want a straightforward, easy-to-follow roadmap for self-publishing a stellar book, I offer the Publish the Damn Book Already online course and author community. We have a lot of fun there, and we're incredibly supportive of one another. We'd love to have you join us! (You'll get a year of access to the community with your publishing package.)

What's Included In Our Publishing Package?

Our book publishing package includes: 

  • Full cover design (eBook, paperback, and, if desired, audiobook)
  • Interior formatting/typesetting (eBook and paperback), including title page, copyright page, table of contents, dedication, acknowledgements, about the author, and reference pages (if applicable)
  • Finn-Phyllis Press imprint (or a publishing house name of your choosing) on your book's spine, back cover, and title page
  • Finn-Phyllis Press (or publishing house name of your choosing) ISBN assignment and registration for eBook and paperback
  • Submission for Library of Congress Control Number (LCCN) for paperback
  • Back cover copy/Amazon/IngramSpark descriptions reviewed and honed by Elizabeth Lyons
  • Upload to your KDP author account on for paperback and eBook distribution through Amazon
  • Upload to your Draft2Digital account for distribution of eBook through all eBook retailers outside of Amazon
  • Optional: Upload paperback to your IngramSpark account for distribution through physical bookstores, libraries, airports, and sites such as  (basically everywhere print books are sold outside of Amazon) as well as availability for pre-order
  • One year membership to the Book Writers Collective author community
  • Access to From Manuscript to Market (my straightforward, step-by-step book launch strategy with marketing foundation setup instructions, daily to-dos, and customizable templates!)

Done-For-You Publishing Package: $6800 

What's NOT Included?

Here's what's NOT Included in Our Publishing Package (and why): 

Book Editing

We require that Finn-Phyllis Press books be professionally edited. However, we don't want to restrict authors to partnering with Elizabeth for editing. (Also, Elizabeth doesn't always have availability to edit.)

Should you choose for your publishing package with Finn-Phyllis Press to include editing, the package cost would increase at the rate of $0.05/word for two rounds of developmental and copy/line editing. To find out more about Elizabeth's editing process click here


In short, marketing and PR isn't the lane we've chosen to swim in. In keeping with the swimming analogy, it's our Butterfly stroke. But when it comes to freestyle (i.e., publishing a top-quality book)? Just wait 'til you see how fast we jump into the pool! 

Many hybrid publishers including marketing/PR services in their packages. For one thing, it allows them to raise (and, sometimes, inflate) their rates. It's also an aspect of book publishing often understandably desired by authors who'd rather do anything (even learn Butterfly) other than market their book. 

(Full transparency: I wanted to be on the swim team in high school. I think that's why I chose this analogy. But I absolutely would not have opted to swim the Butterfly. The arm/leg coordination of it makes zero sense to me.)

While I proudly and enthusiastically support and promote my authors  and their books via my newsletter, social media channels, and podcast, the truth is, if you want your book to sell beyond your friends, family, and other immediate contacts, someone will need to be doing marketing/PR.

That person might be you (if you love that sort of thing), or you might choose to hire someone who's experienced and passionate about that aspect of the industry.

As a Finn-Phyllis Press author, you will receive access to From Manuscript to Market, which is my online 12-day, step-by-step launch process to help you get your foundation setup and give your book the best start.  

For ongoing marketing/PR help, there are several marketing specialists with whom I've partnered that I am more than happy to connect you with, should you wish to complement the publishing package with their expertise.   

Some of the Books We've Been Thrilled to Publish

Frequently Asked Questions


To ask any questions at all, or chat with us about taking the next step...

Please email [email protected]


In Authors' Own Words...

"Do not hesitate to reach to out to Finn-Phyllis Press. You will be well taken care of. I loved every moment of the process!"

-Jacqueline Hopper, author of Becoming

"I would never have gotten my books finished without Elizabeth. I never imagined how much a book, done right, could springboard my career." 

Chris Martinez, author of 7 books

"The value and guidance Elizabeth provided during the publishing of my book far exceeded my expectations. I never expected the process to feel so organized and easy."

-Sheila Whittington, author of The Daily Seed