$35.00 USD

The Art of Manuscript Editing Workshop

More than ever, manuscript editing is a non-negotiable step in the book publishing process. But it doesn't have to be overwhelming, procedurally or financially.

The Art of Manuscript Editing with 6x author and book editor Elizabeth Lyons will give you editing tools and insights to pave the way for your manuscript's success.


⭐️ The major differences between the 3 pivotal types of editing, and why each is critical

⭐️ When (and how much) to invest in an editing partner versus when to query first (if you want a traditional publishing deal)

⭐️ What qualities to seek in a dream editing partner (and where to find them!)

 ⭐️ Biggest myths and misconceptions about editing and editors (so your expectations are properly set)

⭐️ How to best prepare for the editing phase, including simple self-editing techniques that save you time and money (especially if hiring an experienced editor isn't in the budget)

⭐️ How to select effective beta readers, when to enlist their help, and how to make the most of their feedback 

⭐️ How to incorporate editorial feedback without overwhelm so you're prepared for the next step (self-publishing or querying literary agents)

[*Workshop will be sent to you immediately after purchase. There are no refunds once purchased.]